Milwaukee Crawl-O-Ween
2016 Halloween Bar Crawl Crawl-o-ween - Milwaukee (Multiple Neighborhoods)
Friday, October 28 and Saturday, October 29 from 8pm-2am
Lightning strikes...and everybody is watching her
This is what you came for - Halloween Crawloween Bar Crawl
Lucky for you My Drink On (in our 6th year) is in your city!
Have a large group or a ton of friends!? Get Paid to Party
Eventbrite Affiliate Program - earn $5 each ticket sold!
Save Additionally With Groupon (Very Limited Available):
Choose your Neighborhood at checkout!
(Check In in your neighborhood and access drink specials in other neighborhoods all night)
Select route @ checkout! Venues (More to be announced and subject to change!):
Old World 3rd Street
Check In (8pm-10pm): Buck Bradley's Saloon & Eatery(1019 North Old World 3rd St) - TBA
Who's On Third (1007 North Old World 3rd St) - TBA
Rosie's on Water (1111 North Water St) - TBA
Upper 90 Sports Pub (322 W State St) - TBA
Red White & Blue (1044 N Old World 3rd St) - TBA
3rd Ward
Check In (8pm-10pm): The Irish Pub (900 Barton St) - $3 Orange, Peach, or Cherry Vodka Bomb, $3 Single Rail Mixed Drinks (excludes Red Bull), $4 Shots of Fireball & Jameson, $4 Domestic Drafts, $5 Pub Punch
Fore Milwaukee (530 N Water St) - TBA
Camp Bar (525 E Menomonee St) - $5 Old Fashioneds (until 11pm) & $4 Jameson & Fireball Shots (after 11pm)
* More To Come Check Back For Updates! *
Package Includes: *Additional Venues and Information will be added*
(2) $5 Gift Cards (Food or Drink)
Drink Specials ($3, $4 & $5 Specials)
No Cover (You may still have to wait in line)
Costume Contests *Participating Locations
Grand Prize $500 Costume Contest #MyDrinkOn
Registration 8-10pm (Please do not be late!)
Hangovers Suck! Intox Detox Helps!
Try some today with code MDO25 and save 25%!
Transportation: New Users Sign Up with Lyft for up to $50 off, up to $10 each ride with code MDOMKE at
See who is going to the event on Facebook!
Tickets for Friday, October 28:
Tickets for Saturday, October 29: