All ticket holders will automatically be entered to win the following:
*must purchase a ticket or make a donation to be eligible for the giveaway and to access EFFEN hosted bar package.
- Complimentary Bottle Service, Sponsored by The Underground
*redeemable for any night until the end of September.
- 2 VIP Passes to the KISS FM Sprite Lounge, Sponsored by iHeart Radio
*redeemable for any artist of your choosing
- Get nominated to win an all-expense paid trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina!
Hellow friends!
#HabitatHouseParty is being hosted to raise funds for our 3S4H Build with Habitat for Humanity, taking place in Buenos Aires from Oct 15-23rd and you could be selected to go! We are recruiting up to 30 community leaders and volunteers to fly to South America with us and buld homes for families in need. We will also be hosting educational workshops for the families we're serving.
100% of your ticket will benefit the building of homes for our partner families.
For more info on our build with Habitat for Humanity: share.habitat.org/gv17234
Your Ticket Includes:
- Admission to Event
- Passed Appetizers
- 2 Hour Hosted VIP Cocktail Reception (9-11PM)
- Network w/ our Community & Business Leaders
- House Music Dance Party
- 100% to Benefit #3S4H Build with Habitat for Humanity
- Getting Nominated to be Flown to Argentina!
Why Buenos Aires?
In 2011, Argentina suffered a severe economic collapse that left 50% of the population below the poverty line. Almost one-third of Argentine families now live in inadequate housing conditions, some of them severely overcrowded with more than 3 people per room. At least 3 million homes are in need of replacement or rehabilitation.
2016 Emerging Leaders Host Committee
Aaron Christmon, Smart Dress, @smartdress
Audrianne Coffer, Saint Anthony Hospital, @aidri.anne
Elizabeth Niemczyk, Nuveen, @eniemczyk
Heather Hogden, @goforheather
Jacqueline Evans, Northwestern Memorial Foundation, @jackiee28
Lily Duevel, Ladder PR, @ladderPR
Merisa Cano, Dana Rebecca Designs, @merisacano
Nicholas Cole, Nichols Cole Hair, @iamnicholascole
Nisu Shayka, Northwestern Mutual, @nisusoup
Pawel Drozda, Burberry, @pawelyd
Ricardo Sebastian, Luxury Management, @luxmgt
Trannika Rex, Trannika Rex, @trannikarex
Interested in South America? Here's how to win:
Purchase ticket
Name entered into raffle
Winner Announced August 31st
10 Day All Expense Paid Trip to Argentina