Our 5th Annual #HabitatHouseParty returns to celebrity hot spot The Underground Chicago! We are excited to announce this year's proceeds will be donated to Habitat for Humanity in Chicago and South America.
Our friends at Rockit Ranch Productions and The Underground are sponsoring the entire event- this means that 100% of proceeds will be donated! We will be announcing our special guest DJ and premier vodka sponsor soon.
Here is what is included with your ticket:
Passed Appetizers
Hosted Vokda Reception
House Music Dance Party
Networking with our Community, Business and Industry Leaders
Get Nominated to be flown to Argentina!
2016 Emerging Leaders Host Committee
Vicky Meggos, Habitat for Humanity Young Professionals, @vickles33
Matthew Woppel, Wolf Home Design, @matthewwoppel
Nicholas Patrick Butts, 10 MGMT, @nicholasbutts93
Collin Wasiak, Berkshire Hathaway, @collinwasiak
Alvin Uy, DJ Alvin the FunkMunk, @alvinthefunkmunk
Zee Gustafon, Zee Artistry/WGN News, @zeegustafson